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Weberian Sociology of Religion

Weber Portrait



Max Weber's Approach to Religion

Max Weber is the real founder of sociology and the sociology of religion. His conceptions, analyses and constructs have a universal significance in the history of science.


Max Weber's Texts

This is the main project of Weberian Sociology of Religion Homepage. The goal is to make Weber's texts available all over the world. Some of them are a HTML edition of a printed text, and some of them are entirely revised edition by Moriyuki Abukuma.

at Questia --The World's Largest Online Library--  subscription required

Basic Concepts in Sociology Translated by H. P. Secher; The Citadel Press, 1962
The Theory of Social and Economic Organization  Translated by Talcott Parsons; Oxford University Press, 1947
The Rational and Social Foundations of Music  Translated by Don Martindale, Gertrude Neuwirth and Johannes Riedel; Southern Illinois University Press, 1958

Abukuma's Weberian Studies

Foundation of Sociology


Editor: Moriyuki Abukuma