Outline of Basic Sociological Concepts

I. Sociology

1. Definition

Sociology (Soziologie) is the science that attempts to understand social action and to explain its course and effect.

Action (Handeln) is the human behavior (Verhalten) that attaches subjective meaning.

Social (Soziale) means taking consideration of other's behavior.

Meaning (Sinn) is an individual's subjective worthiness. Sociology seeks neither correct nor true meaning of social action, which is the realm of normative disciplines and not of empirical science.

2. Understanding

Understanding (Verstehen) is of the meaning of action and attained only by the relation to its means and end. It may be either direct or explanatory character.

Direct Understanding (Aktuelle Verstehen) is attained by direct observation.

Explanatory Understanding (Erklaerende Verstehen) is attained by the explanation of the meaning of action. It requires a grasp of the meaning-context of an understandable action.

3. Interpretation

Interpretation (Deutung) is the explanation of meaning. Interpretation is either rational or empathic character.

Rational Interpretation (Rationale Deutung) is intellectually consistent grasp of the meaning-context of action, which can be attained by thinking experiment.

Thinking Experiment (Gedanklichen Experiment) is the thought construction that takes away a certain element of motivation and articulates to the consistent attribution of causal relationship.

Empathic Interpretation (Nacherlebend Deutung) is imaginary experience of emotional-context of action.

Imaginary Experience (Einfuehlende Phantasie) is imaginary participation to the emotional condition under which social action takes place.

Clarity (Evidenz) is the striving goal of every interpretation of meaning.

Ideal Type (Idealtype) is a rationally and systematically constructed pure type of action, which can rarely taken place in reality. Construction of an ideal type serves for clarity of interpretation.

4. Valid Interpretation

Motive (Motiv) is the meaning-context of the sequent course of action.

Adequacy Of Meaning is the typical inter-relationships between the meaning and the action.

Adequacy Of Causal Relationship is the probability that the action will always actually occur in the same relationship.

Correct Causal Interpretation is the correct apprehension of the action and the motives through meaningful comprehension of its causal relationship and the demonstration of its existence.

Objectivity is the universal understanding of a social action which is based on the combination of adequate interpretation of motivation and its empirical verification. Without adequate interpretation, our understanding left unsatisfied. But without empirical demonstration, a theoretical interpretation would be empty.

Sociological Rule (Soziologische Regeln) is the regularity of the actual process which constitutes understandable meaning of social action.

II. Social Action

1. Definition

Social Action (Socialen Handeln) is the action including inaction that is oriented to the behavior of others. Social action is distinguished from other human behavior such as stimuli, reaction, imitation, and mass-conditioned action.

Mass-conditioned Action (Massenbedingt Handeln) is the action that is influenced by the fact that the one is a member of a mass confined within a limited space.

Imitation (Nachahmung) is a reactive behavior that has no meaningful orientation.

Sublimation (Sublimierung) is conscious release of emotional tension of affectual action.

2. Types

Traditional Action (Traditional Handeln) is the action that is conditioned by accustomed habituation.

Affectual Action (Affectuell Handeln) is the action that is conditioned by affection and states of emotion.

Value-rational Action (Wertrational Handeln) is the action that is oriented to the conscious belief in the ultimate value of the action for its own sake.

End-rational Action (Zweckrational Handeln) is the action that is oriented to the expectation of desired result.

3. Regularity

Regularity (Regelmaessigkeit) is the frequent repetition or wide-spread practice of the same type of action, which constitutes the same intended meaning. There is three kinds of the regularity: Usage, Custom, and Interest-situation.

Usage (Bracuh) is a probability of the regularity that is conditioned entirely by its actual practice

Fashion (Mode) is a usage that is based on the newness of behavior

Custom (Sitte) is a probability of the regularity that is conditioned by the long familiarity of actual practice.

Interest-situation (Interessenlage) is a probability of regularity that is conditioned by the end-rational expectation.

III. Social Relationship

1. Definition

Social Relationship (Soziale Beziehung) is the meaning-content of social action among mutually related individuals such as friendship, erotic relationship, and exchange.

Relationship (Beziehung) exists only as a particular meaning-content to which human action is oriented.

Maxim (Maxim) is the inner attitude toward the meaning-content of a continuing social relationship.

2. Conflict Relationship

Conflict Relationship (Kampf Beziehung) is a social relationship that is oriented to carry out one's own will against the resistance of others.

Violence (Gewalt) is a conflict relationship that uses actual physical force to carry out one's own will.

Competition (Konkurrenz) is a conflict relationship that peacefully attempts to attain controlling power over opportunities which are also desired by others.

Selection (Auslese) is not a social relationship, but a conflict of life opportunity for advantages and survival without a meaningful mutual orientation among individuals.

3. Rational Relationship

Rational Relationship (Vergesellschaftung) is a social relationship that orients to rational comparison and obligation of interest, such as exchange and agreement.

Society (Gesellschaft) is the continuing rational relationship.

Market Relationship (Markt Beziehung) is a rational relationship that involves competition and calculation.

4. Communal Relationship

Communal Relationship (Vergemeinschaftung) is a social relationship that orients to affectual or traditional sentiment of belonging together such as family and friend.

Community (Gemeinschaft) is the continuing communal relationship.

Active Community (Gemeinde) is a continuing social relationship with active participation. There is two kinds of active community. One is the neighborhood community which engages in economic, political or other social action. The other is the religious community which is either a routinization of prophetic movement or an enterprise of priest to secure the permanence of the teaching and its economic existence (SR, Religious Community).

5. Open and Closed Relationship

Open Relationship (Offen Beziehung) is a social relationship that is open to anyone who wishes to participate such as market relationship.

Closed Relationship (Geschlossen Beziehung) is a social relationship that is closed or restricted for its participation such as family and citizenship.

Member (Genosse) is a participant to a closed relationship, which guarantees for monopolized opportunity of benefits and interest to its participants.

Right (Rechte) is the probability of monopolized opportunity that is appropriated by a member.

Appropriation (Appropriation) is the internal closure of the social and economic opportunities that have been monopolized by the community (SC, Economic Community).

Property (Eigentum) is guaranteed opportunity for appropriation.

6. Solidary and Representative Relationship

Solidary Relationship (Solidaritaets Beziehung) is the responsibility of social action which is charged for every member.

Representative Relationship (Vertretung Beziehung) is the responsibility of social action which is charged for representative member.

IV. Social Order

1. Definition

Order (Ordnung) is the meaning-content of a continuing social relationship which consists of determinate maxim.

Validity (Geltung) is the probability of actual occurrence.

Validity Of Order is the probability that the obedience to order is actually resulted.

Legitimacy (Legitimitaet) is the prestige of duty or model.

Prestige (Prestige) is social honor, or honor that receives from others.

2. Legitimate Order

Legitimate Order (Legitimen Ordnung) is the order that lends the prestige of duty or model.

Convention (Konvention) is a legitimate order which is guaranteed by member's reaction of disapproval.

Law (Recht) is a legitimate order which is guaranteed by physical or psychic coercion.

3. Basis of Validity

Traditional Validity is the validity based on the belief in the sanctity of tradition.

Charismatic Validity is the validity based on the belief in prophetic revelation of new order.

Value-rational Validity is the validity based on the belief in the rationality of Natural Law.

Legal-rational Validity is the validity based on the belief in the legality of order.

V. Social Band

1. Definition

Band (Verband) is a closed relationship which order is maintained by a leader or staff.

Band Action (Verband Handeln) is the action that directs to enforce the band order.

Territorial Band (Gebiets Verband) is a band which order has the validity to all people of a given territory.

2. Band Order

Imposition (Oktroyierung) is a compulsory order that does not originate from a voluntary agreement.

Constitution (Verfassung) is a probability of obedience to the imposing order.

Administrative Order (Verwaltung Ordnung) is a band order which governs the band action by itself.

Regulative Order (Regierung Ordnung) is a band order which governs other than the band action.

3. Band Autonomy

Autonomous Band is the band which order is installed by its own members on their own authority.

Heteronomous Band is the band which order is imposed from outside.

Autonomous Leadership means that the leader is installed by the authority of the autonomous band.

Heteronomous Leadership means that the leader is installed by the authority of outsiders.

4. Institution and Association

Institution (Anstalt) is a band the established order of which is imposed on every individual according to certain specific criteria within a given specific sphere of activity.

Association (Verein) is a band the established order of which is based on a voluntary agreement of the members.

Enterprise (Betrieb) is continuous purposive activity

VI. Rulership

1. Definitions

Power (Macht) is the probability that one carries out one's own will despite resistance of others

Rulership (Hersschaft) is the probability that a command is obeyed by give persons.

Discipline (Disziplin) is the probability that a command receives prompt and automatic obedience.

2. Rulership Band

Rulership Band (Herrschaftsverband) is the band which rulership is legitimated and obeyed by the members.

Political Band (Politischer Verband) is a rulership band which order is guaranteed by physical coercion.

Hierocratic Band (Hierokratischer Verband) is a rulership band which order is guaranteed by psychic coercion.

State (Staat) is a political institution that monopolizes the legitimate use of physical coercion to enforce its order.

Church (Kirche) is hierocratic institution that monopolizes the legitimate use of hierocratic coercion.

VII. Community

1. Economy and Community

Economic Community (Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft) is a community of which action is oriented to scarce resources of goods and services. "We shall speak of economic community only if relatively scarce resources of goods and services resulted in specific calculated action according to the actor's evaluation" (SC, Economic Community).

Economically Conditioned Community (Wirtschaftende Gemeinschaft) is a community that uses "economic operations as a means for achieving non-economic goals" (SC, Economic Community).

Economically Relevant Community (Wirtschaftlich relevanten Gemeinschaft) is a community that determines the nature and course of economic action (SC, Economic Community).

Economically Regulated Community (Wirtschaft regulierende Gemeinschaft) is the "community which does not determine the continuous process of economy through immediate participation or concrete instructions, or prohibitions, but its orders regulate economic relationships of the participants" (SC, Economic Community).

Guild (Zunft) is a community of which full members "monopolize the disposition of spiritual, social and economic goods, duties and positions as vocation" (SC, Economic Community).

Want Satisfaction (Bedarfdeckung) is the consumption of goods and services needed for social action (SC, Economic Community).

Liturgy (Leiturgie) is the want satisfaction through negative privileges (SC, Economic Community).

Class Liturgy (Klassenleiturgie) is the liturgy which "economically costly obligations are tied to a certain size or amount of property that is not privileged of monopoly, and eventually rotated" (SC, Economic Community).

Status Liturgy (Standesleiturgie) is the liturgy which obligations are linked to monopolistic communities in which the members cannot withdraw unilaterally and hence remain collectively liable for satisfying the demands of the community (SC, Economic Community).

Household (Haushalt) is the economic unit based on sexual relationship between husband and wife, and the biological relationship between parents and children" (SC, House Community).

House Community (Hausgemeinschaft) is the economic community based on sexual relationships of parents and sibling relationships of children. Its prerequisite is a certain degree of planed cultivation of soil. The house community has solidarity to the outside and communism of property and consumption of everyday goods. Common residence is an essential attribute (SC, House Community).

House Communism (Hauskommunismus) is the "communism of property and consumption of everyday goods through the unbroken unity of the house community on the basis of strong personal relationship of piety " (SC, House Community).

Piety (Pietaet) is "the subjection toward the holders of authority and toward one another" (SC, House Community).

Neighborhood Community (Nachbarschaftegemeinschaft) is an active community of "interest-situation that is shared by special nearness and an periodical temporal commonality based on permanent or past residency or living" (SC, Neighborhood Community).

2. Rulership and Community

Clan (Sippe) is the blood community consisting of siblings and relatives. "The clan is not as natural community as the house community or the neighborhood. As a rule, its social action is discontinuous and lacks band action; in fact, the clan proves that a community is possible to exist even if the participants do not know one another and action is merely passive" (SC, Clan).

In-group Marriage (Endogamy) is a permanent sexual relationship based primarily on the membership in a community.

Oikos (Greek: "house") is the lord's house economy of want satisfaction in kind. This house economy is not aimed to capital acquisition or investment , but property utilization for its consumptions. Oikos is the opposite concept to enterprise as a scalar of house economy. "The oikos is not simply any large household or one which produces on its own various products, agricultural or industrial; rather, it is the authoritarian household of a prince, manorial lord or patrician. Its dominant motive is not capitalistic acquisition but the lord's organized want satisfaction in kind" (SC, Oikos).

3. Ethnicity and Community

Racial Belonging (Rassenzugehoerigkeit) is the possession of inherited and inheritable common traits that actually derive from the commonality of ancestry (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Commonality (Gemeinsamkeit) is the similarity of custom or habit, which may nurture a belief in common ancestry. For example, ethnicity is a belief in commonality (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Social Intercourse Community (Soziale Verkehrsgemeinschaft) is a community of common custom which "is linked to the most superficial features of historically accidental habits just as much as to inherited racial characteristics. Decisive for the social intercourse community is the consensus of common custom since the different custom is not understandable for its subjective meaning" (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Intermarriage Relationship (Connubium) is a continuing sexual relationship from which the offspring can participate in the activities and advantages of the father's political, economic or status community (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Consensual Community (Einverstandnisgemeinschaft) is a community that social action is understood in its subjective meaning (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Ethnic Group (Ethnische Gruppe) is "the human group that nurtures a subjective belief in the commonality of its ancestry because of similarities of habits or customs or both, or because of memories of colonization and migration." "Ethnic commonality differs from the clan community precisely because it is mere a belief in commonality (Gemeinsamkeit), not a community (Gemeinschaft) as the latter which constitutes real social action." (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Folk (Voelkerschaft) is an ethnic group which is based on the sentiment of common ancestry community (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Tribe (Stamm) is an ethnic group which is based on the sentiment of common political community (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

People (Volk) is an ethnic group which is based on the sentiment of common national community (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Ethnic Honor (Ethnischen Ehre) is the honor of anybody who belongs to the subjectively believed ancestry community. It is a specific honor of the masses (SC, Ethnicity and Community).

Language Community (Sprachegemeinschaft) is a community which shares common language, bears a specific cultural possession of the masses and makes mutual understanding possible or easier.

National Community (Nationale Gemeinschaft) is a political organization of power exercise by the people who shared the sentiment of language, religious, customary, and destined community