About Aino High School

A school that loves
God,people, and soil.
One of our educational principles is the spirit of loving God, people, and the earth, that is, the Three Love Spirit. Aino Agricultural High School education is an education to nurture people who seek after a culture of peace by loving their neighbors through agriculture based on the love of Christ.
Love God
The school was built on the Biblical message, "Love your neighbor as yourself".
Love People
The feature of the school is learning to live and work together in cimmunity. About 100 students and teachers from all over the country live together. Students learn independence while living together at school and dormitory, and there are opportunities for spiritual growth. And learning to forgive and respect each other is an essential part of being able to live in community.
Love Earth
We practice organic farming. We have classroom education in agriculture and we do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the farm. We emphasize the importance of agroecology in our agriculture carriculum. The farm consists of six departments: rice production, vegetables, fruits, dairy production, poultry production, and pork production. Safe and delicious food produced here is at the students' table on a daily basis.
Characteristics of education

Agricultural education
Choose one department (crop, vegetables, fruit trees, dairy production, poultry production, pig production) from the second grade, and study agriculture seriously and professionally.
Learn agriculture by touching the soil through practical trainings and morning and evening farm work.
During the summer vacation, participate in practical training in and outside of school for 1 week to 20 days as a summer course.
After finishing three years of High School education, we have set up a course called Agricultural Majors. Applicants who are accepted will practice farming at a cooperating farmer for one year.
Boarding education
Acquire a regular and healthy lifestyle.
Learn about independence by trying to do things themselves and fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to them.
Strive to accept each other in a communal life, build a human relationships that can work hard together in mutual encouragement and trust.Bible class: Learn about the Bible, face oneself, and think about one's life.
Worship every morning: Sing hymns and read the Bible to start the day. The staff members and students will take turns to address the community about the Bible, agriculture, nature, peace, family, life and so on.
International exchange
Acceptance of foreign students; we have accepted students from Korea, India and Bangladesh.
Interaction with Poolmoo from 1995; we started exchanges with Poolmoo Agricultural Advanced Technology School in Korea. Since then, active exchanges have continued, such as visiting Poolmoo on school trips and admission to the Poolmoo Community College for Ecological Agriculture.
Acceptance of farm trainees; Accepted from India, Australia and Myanmar.

Greetings from the Principal, Moriyuki Murakami
Aino Agricultural High School is a small agricultural High School based on the spirit of Christianity and a three-love spirit of "love God, people, and the earth." This three love spirit is personality education by learning the Bible and worship, it is about putting emphasis on agricultural education to think about soil making centered on organic farming and communal living with a boarding system. Of course, the three love spirits do not force the students to have faith. Thoughts and Faith must be freely chosen. We hope students learn through worship the meaning and the reason why our school has been built. We want the students to know the reason and the spirit we cherish. Students gather from all over Japan and from abroad. We cooperate with each other on this hill, learn together, build friendship and feelings of gratitude. To junior high school students and parents, we welcome you to come and meet our lively students.

Characteristics of education
In addition to providing education to become a farmer, we seeks to foster a search for truth sincerely through the study of the Bible. Therefore, as a promise in living together, we consider the following very important. If these are broken, the communal life will be undermined. Be aware that each action involves responsibility and ask students to express their commitment to the following engagements before the entrance ceremony.

Written oath
- Take your study seriously. It is the student's main responsibility
- Violence is not to be used as a means of problem solving in any case
- Do not engage in dating relationships
- Bullying which causes other people to suffer mental and physical pain is not allowed. Do not commit violence, harassment of any kind Sexual,verbal,mental etc.
- Do not drink alcohol, smoke or steal
- Do not indulge in vulgar entertainment, flashy clothes, and keeping up with fashion to enhance one's character. Strive instead for a clean and simple life
- 5:55
- Get up (6:25 in winter)
- 6:00
- Radio exercise · cleaning
(6:30 in winter)
Farmwork (on-duty system, time varies according to department and season) - 7:00
- Breakfast
- 8:20
- Class assembly
- 8:30
- Morning service
- 9:00
- Morning class (2nd to 4th spell)
- 10:40
- Cleaning (school)
- 11:55
- Lunch break
- 13:00
- Afternoon class(5th to 7th spell)
- 15:30
- Activities such as school activities, club activities, farmwork and cooking duty (On duty system, time varies according to department and season)
- 18:20
- Dinner (roll call)
- 19:30
- Meeting
- 20:00
- Time for self
- 22:30
- Lights out (roll call)