A Day A Life, Index - Historical Persons



Alexander III. 356-323 BC. King of Macedonia and conqueror of Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic Age. 10/29, 12/22
Augustine, of Hippo. A.D. 354-430. Early Christian church priest and philosopher who served (396-430) as the bishop of Hippo (in present-day Algeria). He wrote the autobiographical Confessions and the voluminous City of God. 04/06, 04/07, 04/19, 05/01
Buddha. 563?-483? BC. Indian prophet and founder of Buddhism. He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of 35. Gospel of Buddha illustrates his teaching and life. 03/15, 12/22
Bunyan, John. 1628-1688. English preacher and writer celebrated for his Pilgrim's Progress , the tale of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. 12/05
Butler, Joseph. 1692-1752. Bishop of Durham who wrote Analogy of religion. 01/26
Caesar, Gaius Julius. 100-44 BC. Roman general, statesman, and historian.01/04, 07/19, 10/29, 12/22
Calvin, John. 1509-1564. French-born Swiss Protestant reformer who broke with the Roman Catholic Church and set forth the monumental doctrine of predestination in Institutes of the Christian Religion His tenet is known today as Presbyterianism. 04/07, 05/01
Carlyle, Thomas. 1795-1881. British historian and essayist. Familiar Quotation includes Present and Past and Hero Worship. 04/06, 06/17, 08/01, 09/07
Christopher, Saint. 3 century AD. Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. 05/07
Confucius. 551?-479? BC. Chinese philosopher.The Analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death. 12/22
Columbus, Christopher. 1451-1506. Italian explorer who discovered America (1492) by sailing west from Europe. In the service of Spain he made three subsequent voyages to the Caribbean in his quest for a sea route to China. 04/21
Cromwell, Oliver. 1599-1658. English political and religious reformer who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and executed the King of England, Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he founded the democracy of England. 04/19, 08/09
Dante, Alighieri. 1265-1321. Italy's greatest poet and thinker. He wrote The Divine Comedy. 04/19
Descartes, Rene. 1596-1650. French mathematician and philosopher. His famous saying is "I think, therefore I am." 03/10
Gladstone, William Ewart. 1809-1898. British political leader who served as Liberal prime minister four times. He enacted educational and parliamentary reforms and supported Irish home rule. 01/26
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 1749-1832. German writer and poet. A master of poetry, drama, and the novel, he spent 50 years on his dramatic poem Faust . 02/10, 12/09
Honen. 1178-1215. Buddhist reformer of Japan and the founder of the Pure Land sect. 03/15
Howard, John. 1726-1790. English philanthropist and reformer of prison. 10/15
Kant, Immanuel. 1724-1804. German philosopher who argued that reason is the means by which the phenomena of experience are translated into understanding. His classic works include Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason, in which he put forward his system of ethics based on the categorical imperative. 03/10, 08/24, 10/23
Knox, John. 1514?-1572. Scottish religious reformer and founder of Scottish Presbyterianism. While living in exile during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, a Catholic, he came under the influence of John Calvin. Returning to Scotland, Knox established Protestantism in Scotland. 02/22, 04/06
Lao-tzu. 6 century BC. Chinese philosopher who is traditionally regarded as the founder of Taoism and the author of The Way of Life . 12/22
Leonardo da Vinci. 1452-1519. Italian painter and scientist. Leonardo, the most genius of the Renaissance, is best known for The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. 05/22
Lincoln, Abraham. 1809-1865. 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), who led the Union during the Civil War and emancipated slaves in the South (1863). He was assassinated shortly after the end of the war. 09/23
Livingstone, David. 1813-1873. Scottish missionary and African explorer. He discovered the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls. 10/15
Luther, Martin. 1483-1546. German leader of the Reformation and the founder of Lutheran Church. His opposition to the wealth and corruption of the papacy and his belief that salvation is attained by faith alone rather than by works caused his excommunication from the Catholic Church. Luther confirmed the Augsburg Confession in 1530, effectively establishing the Lutheran Church. 02/22, 04/06, 04/19, 05/01, 05/03, 08/09, 10/27, 12/05, 12/23
Michelangelo, Buonarroti. 1475-1564. Italian sculptor and painter who created some of the greatest works of art of all time, including the marble sculpture David, the paintings Last Judgement, Isahia, Jeremiah and other biblical scenes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. 05/22
Milton, John. 1608-1674. English poet and political pamphleteer who is best known for the epic poem Paradise Lost, an account of humanity's fall from grace. 08/10
Muhammad. 570?-632. Arab prophet of Islam and the writer of the Koran . At the age of 40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Muhammad established a theocratic state at Medina after 622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam. 12/22
Napoleon I or Napoleon Bonaparte. 1769-1821. Emperor of the French (1804-1814). His codification of laws, the Napoleonic Code, still forms the basis of French civil law. 10/29
Nebuchadnezzar II 630?-562 BC. King of Babylonia (605-562) who captured (597) and destroyed (586) Jerusalem and carried the Israelites into captivity in Babylonia. 10/29
Nichiren (1201-1261) Buddhist prophet of Japan and the founder of Nichiren sect. 03/15
Phidias. 5 century BC. Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 11/29
Plato. 427?-347? BC. Greek philosopher. A follower of Socrates, he founded the Academy (386), where he taught and wrote for much of the rest of his life. Plato presented his ideas in the form of dramatic dialogues, as in The Republic. 11/29, 12/22
Rembrandt 1606-69. Dutch fine artist of the 17th century. His paintings are characterized by rich color, contrast, and realism. His great works include Jeremiah, Children Brought to Jesus and Supper at Emmaus. 05/28, 10/06, 11/09
Savonarola, Girolamo. 1452-1498. Italian reformer. A Dominican friar, he gained a vast popular following and drove the Medici family out of Florence in 1494. He was later excommunicated and executed for criticizing Pope Alexander VI. 02/22
Schopenhauer Arthur. 1788-1860. German philosopher who believed that the will to live is the fundamental reality and that this will, being a constant striving, is insatiable and ultimately yields only suffering. 08/24
Solon. 638?-559? BC. Athenian lawgiver and poet. His reforms preserved a class system based on wealth but ended privilege by birth. 11/29
Tennyson, Alfred. First Baron Tennyson. 1809-1892. British poet whose works, including In Memoriam and The Charge of the Light Brigade, reflect Victorian sentiments and aesthetics. Uchimura often quotes his poems such as Infant Crying and Immortality . 01/26, 02/01
Staupitz, Johann von (1468-1524) vicar-general of the German Augustinian monastery. He was once Luter's teacher, patron, and counselor.12/05
Washington, George. 1732-1799. First President of the United States. Commander in the Independent War. 09/23
Wesley, John. 1703-1791. British religious leader who founded Methodism (1738). His brother Charles (1707-1788) wrote thousands of hymns, including "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." 04/06, 04/11, 05/01, 05/03
Whitman, Walt. 1819-1892. American poet whose great work Leaves of Grass , written in unconventional meter and rhyme, celebrates the self, death as a process of life, universal brotherhood, and the greatness of democracy and the United States. His Song of Myself reflects self-consciousness and self-contradiction. 08/09, 10/18
Whittier, John Greenleaf. 1807-1892. American Quaker poet. His early works, such as Voices of Freedom (1846), reflect his opposition to slavery, but he is best known for his nostalgic poems about New England, including Snow-Bound. 03/31, 09/01
WilhelmII also William II. 1859-1941. Emperor of Germany and king of Prussia. Grandson of Queen Victoria, he supported the Afrikaners in South Africa and Austria's demands on Serbia (1914). He was forced to abdicate at the end of World War I. 10/29
Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow. 1856-1924. 28th President of the United States. At the Paris Peace Conference (1919) he proposed the establishment of the League of Nations. 10/29
Wordsworth, William. 1770-1850. British poet whose important collection, Lyrical Ballads. 05/28